We've made an effort to keep our terms as short as possible so the things that are included are all important.
There are consequences to breaking our rules, so please be sure to read them.
  1. These Terms of Service (TOS) govern access to Leayph. If you disagree with them you may not play the game. Failure to comply with these terms means you may lose accounts/items/creatures, and not knowing is not an excuse. All players are expected to abide by the TOS. Updates to the TOS will be posted on the site news so users know when to read them again.
  2. Players are required to be thirteen years of age or older to play Leayph, to comply with the COPPA and with our site content guidelines. We will not allow children under thirteen years of age to use our site, regardless of parental permission.
  3. All users are forbidden from posting anything illegal under their own country's laws or under the United States laws (where Leayph is hosted). Similarly, users are forbidden from posting material that is not acceptable for all audiences.
  4. While we strongly recommend against posting your personal information on our site for other users, we will not take action against this. This information includes IM accounts or emails, real names or contact addresses. If such information needs to be exchanged, players are encouraged to do so via private messaging and not through the public chat room or shoutbox.
  5. Scamming, harassing, or generally impolite behavior will be dealt with severely. Players are expected to act in a responsible, honest manner towards others.
  1. Spamming is not allowed anywhere on the site. This includes multiple posts that have no real content (such as emoticons, ..., or random characters), sending repetitive messages, and private messaging users unprovoked for the sake of advertising.
  2. Some minor swearing is allowed on the site. Words like "hell", "crap", and "damn" are allowed. We ask, however, that they be used in moderation and not make up the entirety of the messages from a player.
  3. Public black listing of any kind is not allowed anywhere on the site. This includes but is not limited to: Any kind of list that adds a negative note to individuals, transaction black lists, etc.
  4. Targeting other users is not allowed in any way. This includes publically discussing issues regarding those players. If for any reason you find another user's behavior to be unacceptable, please contact a moderator or an admin through private messaging. If you're unsure if it is targeting, consider this: Can the user in question read your complaints, and know that it is them being spoken about? If so, you may not want to post it.
  5. Please refrain from posting angry comments about how other users play the game. These sorts of comments usually only make other users feel unwelcome.
  6. Please do not discuss content that has not been officially announced in the news, the chat room, or the shoutbox.
  7. Please do not discuss banned accounts in the public chat room. Issues with members are between the staff and those involved.
  8. Please do not post in the forums, chat, or billboard asking people to give away free stuff, donate to a cause, offer to take unwanted stuff, etc. This is considered begging on Leayph, and bothers many people.
  9. Leayph does not allow messages along the lines of "I'm quitting", "Who would care if I left?", etc. These messages make other members uncomfortable and are disruptive to the chat room and forums.
  10. We do not allow discussion of self-harm on any area of the site (including private messages), religion, politics, drugs (including alcohol use), sex, real-world violence, or any topics that may cause disruption to our community, implicit or explicit. We do not allow these in forums (including roleplaying, no roleplaying on our forums is private as it can be read by anyone), chat, messages, profiles, or anywhere else. When in doubt, feel free to ask a moderator.
  11. Please discuss other sites in a respectful manner. While it is alright to say that a site isn't your style, comments that are purposely insulting or making fun of another site, be it of the management, game play, or art, are not allowed.
  1. Accounts may not be shared. All accounts must have a single owner, and it is not allowed to have other people login to your account.
  2. Each individual may only own a single account. If two users share the IP address (i.e., family, friends, etc.), both accounts must be separately active. Assets may not be shared between accounts that share an IP address. Attempts to circumvent this preventative measure may result in the permanent loss of both user's accounts.
  3. While we do allow animated tags, please refrain from using tags that are flashy. This includes tags that rotate between extremely bright colors.
  1. Accounts may not be traded, sold, or given away. If you are leaving, you may send a request to an admin to have the account frozen or any creatures removed from it through the Ticket System.
  2. Users are allowed to trade Leayph items or creatures for other site currencies, as long as the site allows such a trade. However, trading Leayph items, currency, or creatures for USD, EUR, or other real currency is forbidden. This includes Leayph derivative works.
  3. There is no set price for items or creatures, so players can ask for whatever price they want, no matter how unreasonable others may feel it is. Arguing that a price is too high in chat or on the forums when not explicitly requested by the seller is not allowed - players are expected to just not buy the item and move on, rather than potentially discourage a sale to someone else by stating they do not feel the price is fair.
  4. We cannot enforce off-site trades since we do not have access to their records. In most cases of on-site trading, an admin will return lost damages that were the result of scamming, or the other player becoming inactive. However, there is a three day wait period before any transactions will be reversed due to a lack of response, regardless of reason. This is to give the current holder of said properties a chance to respond, as withholding another player's property is considered scamming, and is punishable by banning or fines.
  5. When making trades or transactions on Leayph, please be sure that ALL specifics for the trade are discussed within Leayph. Admins cannot return lost damages in the event of scamming, if we cannot find sufficient evidence that the item/creature was originally yours, and not sold/given away.
  6. Regarding Rune Purchases: Please keep in mind that having bought runes in the past, or having an upgraded account, does not exempt you from obeying our full ToS. In addition, if your Paypal account initiates a chargeback against Leayph/Gryffs you are expected to contact us immediately as unresolved chargeback claims will cause an account to be banned permanently.


To get in touch with us or to delete your account, please send an email to admin@gryffs.com.
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